On Saturday 03 August 2019 09:45:49 David Wright wrote:

> On Thu 01 Aug 2019 at 16:51:35 (-0400), Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Thursday 01 August 2019 08:01:40 Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> > > My experience for many years has been that the first console is
> > > especially a stinker about having a super fast keystroke repeat
> > > setting. We can see it visually when typing in normal commands but
> > > would have no idea it's occurring for passwords where there's no
> > > visual cue as to what's occurring.
> >
> > Back in jessie days, it did not set the keyboard repeat at boot, so
> > the first thing was to call up that util and set the repeat down
> > from around 1000 to 15 or 20, then it worked fine until the next
> > reboot, but I've seen nothing like that on stretch by raspian.
> Just put
> @reboot       /sbin/kbdrate -r 8 -d 500 -s
> into /root/crontab and then type
> ~# crontab crontab
That would have been useful when it was running 
raspian jessie, but I've now an sd card thats booting raspian stretch, 
doesn't suffer from that, and which runs the machine smoother but still 
suffers from the cold molasses video. They have now updated to buster, 
twice, the second time incorporating new drivers from broadcom that 
speed the video up by actually using the broadcom video hardware. Full 
screen glxgears runs at 19 fps instead of 1.6 fps  using the 
framebuffer.  And I need that AND at least a fully pre-emptible kernel.

> > > Not too long ago, I saw a User asking about the ability to add a
> > > visual aid, e.g. those classic asterisks, to a password entry
> > > field that currently just sat there blank. The ability to make
> > > that User CHOICE would sure come in handy for at least that
> > > initial login console, depending on one's accessibility needs.
> > > Persons with disabilities related to mobility, dexterity would
> > > potentially benefit the most.
> >
> > Absolutely.
> >
> > > Afterthought.. That option may currently exist. The above just
> > > reflects that I haven't tripped over it yet. :)
> >
> > Me either Cindy.  Sigh.
> Possibly myself, if you're thinking of:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2019/06/msg00585.html

Thats the best possibility of what I recall.

> But that was really about encryption passphrases rather than login
> passwords.

But the useage is not via the same lib?

> Cheers,
> David.

Thanks David.  See my other reply to Curt, its locked me out again, and 
wont even let me add another user to test with. I've never heard of an 
xsession timing out in 10 minutes, but...

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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