On 8/4/19, nektarios <nektar...@mail.nektarioskatakis.xyz> wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 21:01:57 +0100
> Ed <ed-deb...@s5h.net> wrote:
>> What I have observed is that x sessions started from a text console
>> can cooperate with each other, it seems limited to lightdm/gdm logins
>> only.
>> Something happened between jobs which meant I didn't need to run
>> several user accounts at once. It may have been introduced during
>> Jessie or Stretch.
>> Am I alone, or do other people have this issue also? Am I doing multi
>> GUI wrong, is there a modern way to do this that has slipped past me
>> without noticing?

After sending mine off here, I re-read and thought,, *OH, man, I fully
missed the point.*

But I *was* able to get a GUI of *some* sort. I'm on Bullseye with
xfce4 and ALL that it draws in.

I've never tried to get anything to interact. It's always about get
in, un-bork something, and get back out.

Messaging between the sessions ala the way we were able to with AS/400
systems mid-1990's comes to mind as a way to test that interaction
ability. I've come across references to packages that MIGHT do that,
but I've never had an excuse to download and test drive it/them.

> Indeed the problem seems reproducible for debian Stretch with sddm display
> manager.

I'll have to give it another shot with those specifics you all are
saying, but today's definitely not that day *cognitively*. :)

I've seen where some of you all write about having even more
minimalist systems than my bare bones debootstraps. I've tried going
that route and just haven't found something that fits what I need.
Might just be about adaptation and the lack of being able to do so
under extreme duress/stress.

> The only logs appearing are from KDE applications (nothing in X11 logs):
> ```
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.kde.kpasswdserver[958]: The X11 connection
> broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.kde.kuiserver[958]: kuiserver: Fatal IO error:
> client killed
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.a11y.atspi.Registry[1251]: XIO:  fatal IO error
> 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0"
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.kde.kglobalaccel[958]: The X11 connection broke
> (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.a11y.atspi.Registry[1251]:       after 947
> requests (947 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
> Aug  4 22:40:41 buldozer org.kde.KScreen[958]: The X11 connection broke
> (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
> ```
> Unfortunately my PC even worse gets stuck after that so I cant really tell
> if X11 is running.
> I hadn't used multiple x sessions for sometime (after I got used to multiple
> desktops) but this seems an issue.

Mine referenced going to ~/.local/share/xorg/* for feedback. That's
where I did find what appeared to be tinely appropriate for my shot at

Started to joke that I'm grateful mine at least didn't do that (get
stuck), BUT... it DID take it n extra long while to calm down when I
got back over to F7. That was after I successfully logged in as root
AND "elf" (instead of "candycane") in full xfce4 graphical interface.

I'm on extremely limited hardware resources right now. 1GB RAM memory
so I *a-sumed* that was probably what the momentary hangup was there
when coming back up after those two success stories occurred.

I'll have to try doing more of what it sounds like you all are doing.
I downloaded several different "window managers" (versus "desktop
environments") just two or three weeks ago but then came back over to
ol' familiar and friendly Xfce4. Thank you to its Developers!

I need to order a new hard drive (TODAY, yikes). With this thread in
mind, I'll create a couple extra partitions dedicated to the "window
managers" part of this thread when it's time.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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