
On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 01:03:10PM +0200, Pavel Vlček wrote:
> I have computer with 3 hdds. One is ssd, 2 others are hdd. I want to install
> Debian 10 to all 3 disks as one big system. What to use, raid or lvm? I

Depends. Do you want to have 1.5 Gigs combined? (LVM)

> doing something wrong. I want to use all data in one lvm partition, so / for
> everything.

So something or the systen files is/are potentially split between ssd
and hdd and you don't know where to get it from? Sounds like a "no idea"

If you had 3 SSDs or 3 HDDs, ok, but..

If you want that "big space" and not care about data security if one
fsailed I'd do system on a partition on the SSD and then do LVM on the rest of
the SSD+the HDDs. Then you at least have the system on the SSD completely.

(And you know LVM does nothing for security if one of your disk fails?).

If you can live with "just" 512 GB home I'd say: system on the SSD
(although some "waste" of diskspace...),
RAID1 for the two HDDs mounted on /home for data security if one disk
fails (of course doesn't save a backup for rm actions or so..)



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