On 2019-09-03 at 07:15, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
>> I actually have two copies of that message: the one originally
>> received by me, and the one later provided by Rodolfo as an
>> attachment (with the filename '90'), which latter is the one he's
>> been trying to reply to.
> Due to no interest in the original topic, i only have the file '90' 
> but not a direct mailing list copy of the mail.

If you'd like, I could send one as an attachment, much as Rodolfo did
(though probably by different mechanisms).

>> The one I received through the mailing list does not contain the
>> string 'gmane', at all.
> So it is clear that these newsgroup and gmane headers stem from the 
> perception of Andrei's mail by Rodolfo's Gnus+Emacs mail client. (I
> still bet that this perception somehow comes from the way how the
> message reached Rodolfo.)

I tend to concur.

> Regrettably the newsgroup archive version is still not reachable for me
>   http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.user/558396
> It would really be interesting to see whether Rodolfo's failed attempts
> pile up as follow-ups to that message.

I got a timeout-error page when trying to load that URL. I wonder
whether there's something wrong with Gmane's systems at the moment, or
even whether that's somehow an invalid URL?

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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