On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 07:02:10AM +0000, ghost wrote:
> I'm trying to do it this way so that I can put something like "Exec=sudo -u 
> game steam" in the desktop shortcuts, and I can launch it seamlessly from my 
> main DE. Any alternative routes to achieve the same effect?

First, don't run Wayland.  Wayland tries very hard to prevent you
from doing that sort of jiggery-pokery.

After that... uh... I don't know.  But I tried opening a terminal and
running "sudo -s" inside that terminal, then "loginctl user-status"
inside that shell.  And it's showing the sudo and the loginctl commands
as being part of my user's session, if I'm interpreting this process
tree diagram thingy correctly.

So... maybe it'll work?

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