On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 07:09:08AM +0100, Tixy wrote:
> Conclusion, to me, it looks like the mainline kernel doesn't yet have
> RPi4 support, and when it does, would anyone want to go to the effort
> to backport that to 4.19? I wouldn't be holding my breath for RPi4B
> support in a Buster netinst image.

If at some point a kernel has such support, it may be uploaded to
the unstable repository, and make its way into testing.  If and when
that happens, someone may decide to backport that kernel to the
buster-backports repository.  Users of buster may decide to try this
backported kernel, with no promises about its behavior, its security,

Users may also, at any time they choose, compile their own kernel images
from whatever source they wish.  When it breaks, they get to keep all
the pieces.

It's almost inconceivable that the features Gene is looking for would
ever be backported into the 4.19 kernel.  Not impossible, but about
as improbable as you could imagine.

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