Isaac To wrote:
"H" == H S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Right, Human Genome is not written by programmers.  Genes are evolved, not
designed.  In contrast, a good programmer write code that will make sense
when it is being read, because they are the ones who need to read them the
most, and when they need to change them it is usually at a time when they
forget much of the program.  They will write it in a structure that reflect
the specification of the project, layered in a way that reflects how the
users will perceive the software, etc.  In other words, they should be


Yes, I can understand that perfectly. Though I don't write software and design application for Linux, I still do programming for my research on a daily basis. And I learned early that self documentation is virtually unavoidabel to avoid wasting time later in understand what one was doing. I personally use variable names that actually make sense, even if they are 15 characters or so long (in C, C++ or MATLAB), this aids a *huge* deal if I come back again in a couple of months time to see what I was doing. Not to mention the comments, the description in the header files and the neat names given to the source files.

What pisses me off is when people intentionally or carelessly obfuscate the code. I recall reading a publicly available source for implementation of an algorithm in which the programmer had given female names to his variable (perhaps his past girl friends?!?) which had absolutely nothing to do with the algorithm! LOL


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