Charlie writes:
> Over many years, although, I may not ever be in possession of anything
> of interest to anyone?

There are two distinct "security" condsiderations here that are often
munged together:

1) Our ethical/moral/political objections to being tracked and snooped

2) Our actual risk of injury[1] due to security failures.

Both are important, but the second should be addressed first.  It should
be done objectively, by first constructing a threat model: who or what
could (and would) actually harm you?  The data trawling activities of my
government[2] angers me but when I think about it objectively I realize
that it does me no actual harm: I'm simply not someone they care about.

[1] Injury in a legal sense, ranging from death to loss of property to

[2] If you believe that your government doesn't do it too you are
extremely naive.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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