Roberto Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ..
> Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
>   >>Companies like Dell stopped selling Linux based computers because there
> >>was a lack of interest.  But it was funny that I noticed that the same
> >>hardware could be bought for a cheaper price, from them,  when it was
> >>shipped with winblows. Only problem was, and have experienced this, Dell
> >>would not honor their warranty if it was shipped with winblows, and got
> >>formated and Linux installed.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for letting me know: Do you have details on that?
> > 
> That is absolutely untrue.  I called Dell today and tried
> (unsuccessfully, of course) to purchase a laptop without Windows.
> They said it was not possible.  I then asked if it would somehow
> affect the warranty on the hardware if I formatted it and installed
> Linux.  The salesman said it would not affect the warranty.  He even
> verified it with a supervisor.  The salesman's name was Ricky.
> Naturally, I ended up not purchasing the laptop.
> -Roberto

This is absolutely true, as I said I have experienced this directly with my company, 
as well as some of the companies I support.


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