Meanwhile, there are a few different ways to keep your resolv.conf
file untouched, rather than relying on isc-dhcp-client to continually
rewrite it in the form you want.  The wiki page describes some of
those ways.

Personally, I do not understand the appeal of the "put lines in
configuration file X so that isc-dhcp-client will use them when it
rewrites configuration file Y" approach.  I'd rather just edit file Y by
hand and tell isc-dhcp-client not to touch it at all.  It's a shame that
it's so incredibly difficult to do that.  But, that's why we have the
resolvconf package, and it's why we have the wiki page that describes
how to do it.

Just edit the file /etc/resolv.conf and make it immutable (chattr +i  /etc/resolv.conf).  At least you will know what is in the file and that it can't be changed (mistakes and all).  I use this to keep chrome from changing the google-chrome-beta.list file every time it starts since I use the HTTPS/// option of  apt-cacher-ng to use https transfers outside my LAN.



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