On 1/29/20 7:15 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> If you can confirm that it was caused by (or at least, occurred after)
> a firmware upgrade, then at least you'll know that you need to be ready
> for another possible change the next time you upgrade firmware.

Nope. No change(s) in the firmware.

> The enp7s0 style naming is the new "Predictable Network Interface Names"
> scheme.  That is its official name.  It is not, however, an accurate
> description of how it works in reality.  As you've seen, the names
> are NOT predictable.

No, they certainly aren't. The scheme doesn't work. The interfaces are
soldered to the MB, and there were no new ones added, so there should be
no changes in the naming.

> The new workaround to replace udev involves setting up a "dot link"
> file for each interface.  You can do lots of different things, but the
> one that most people will actually care about is mapping a MAC address
> to a name of your choice.  E.g. you can decide to map MAC address
> 01:23:45:67:89:ab to interface name "dmz0", or whatever makes sense
> for your networks.

I've fought with UDEV before, several Debian releases ago. I didn't know
UDEV was responsible for all this. Thanks for the pointer -- I'll see
what I can find in UDEVs config.

Glenn English

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