On Thursday 30 January 2020 10:10:41 Linux-Fan wrote:
> I am still genuinely curious about the answers to the questions above
> especially wrt. being hacked, the exact restoration conditions and the
> reason for being offline to restore data?
> Linux-Fan

20 + years ago I first heard of dd-wrt, and I ran it on an old machine 
for several years as an isolator between my local network in the 
192.168.xx.xx range for several years. But the old box died, and I 
looked for a router that could be reflashed, finding at the time a 
buffalo netfinity which could be reset, actually came with it but they 
covered a piece of the menu with their blurb so I had to reflash it 
right away with the real thing. Then, because that was so inconvenient, 
I found a netgear I could reflash, but I had to clone the buffalo's mac 
into it to get my ipv4 address back.  So I now have 2 routers available 
in case one gets bumped by whatever.  I used to watch its logs to see 
the attackers that never get past it, but they never have.

So I eventually got rid of verizon's 70 yo copper in favor of a slow 
connection from the local cable folks about 7 years back which meant I 
had to register a new net address, but I've now renewed that fixed 
address for another 5 years.  In all that time I've had the web page you 
can access at the link in my sig and only one person, a friend of mine 
and a linux net guru now working as the linux guy at a 3 letter guv 
agency that I had to give credentials to, has come thru it.

I'd say that's pretty darned good security, yet I can go anyplace on the 
net I want to from here or one of the other 4 or 5 machines on my local 
net except for several dozen iptables rules of the xx.xx.xx.xx/24 
variety because they are web spiders that don't play by the robots.txt 
rules, instead of indexing my pages, they insist on mirroring it, 
burning up what little upload bandwidth I have.  Because at the moment I 
am supplying an armhf build of LinuxCNC and the preempt-rt kernel that 
runs on a raspberry-pi4b to run cnc machinery with.  And its doing it as 
well as 3 other LCNC installs on x86 machines can.

Lesson? junk your router and get one that can be reflashed, dd-wrt has 
some competition. Router reflash files are downloadable for free from 
the dd-wrt site. And sleep well with your stuff up 24/7/365.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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