On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 11:27:06AM -0600, Dennis Wicks wrote:
john doe wrote on 1/31/20 1:00 AM:
On 1/31/2020 2:48 AM, Dennis Wicks wrote:
I am running Debian Buster 10, upgrade within the past week.

I tried to change my e-net to use dhcp, which I thought it was but it

How did you try to change your e-net to use dhcp?

wasn't picking up all the info from the DHCP server, specifically the IP
addr. Now it doesn't work at all. How can I run through the setup/init
process that it went through at install to get back at least a working
communications port.

I would say, revert the change(s)that you have done.

John Doe

I have tried that to no avail. There are two possibilities:

(1) I don't remember exactly what was there before
(2) One of the two network management programs that are running changed something that I don't know about.

In my Notification Area there are two programs that seem to be controlling the interfaces, and perhaps causing my problems. They are Network Manager Applet and WICD Network Manager.

Do you remember which one you used? Both can be used, but if you try to use both at the same time you'll have problems. I'd suggest uninstalling one of them, or at the very least make sure that they aren't both trying to control the same interface. Neither will modify /etc/network/interfaces, so just ignore that.

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