
Rick Thomas wrote:
> Anybody know what's the procedure for adding a local disk as a repo?

I had hoped for other, more experienced self-admins to care for Tamar's
questions. My theories about "deb file:..." in sources.list are below.

Tamar Nirenberg's apt-get wrote:
> openssh-server openssh-sftp-server
> [...]
> Could not resolve 'deb.debian.org [deb.debian.org]'
> [...]
> E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with
> --fix-missing?

If the ISO would be on DVD, i'd try what
  man sources.list
says about "URI SPECIFICATION" with type "cdrom".

Since the ISO is on a USB stick, then i'd try type "file". I understand
that the path after "file:" should point to the directory with
subdirectories ./dist and ./pool . That would be the root directory o
the mounted ISO on the stick.
The squashfs seems to contain no pool.

Assumed that the Live ISO is mounted at /mnt/liveiso i'd try:

  deb file:/mnt/liveiso buster main

Have a nice day :)


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