Stefan Monnier wrote:
>>> PS: The only problem with LVM names is that Linux doesn't let you
>>> rename a volume group while it's active (at least last time I tried),
>>> which makes it painful to rename the volume group in which lives your
>>> root partition.
>> How painful is it to dd a live cd, boot from it and rename?
> Very.  It's called "downtime".
> Every time you have to reboot, it means your OS has somewhat failed you.

  i don't think that at all.  remember that each person can
have different preferences, requirements and expectations.

  i reboot my computer once or twice a day depending upon what
i'm doing.  it takes only a few seconds.

  at the end of the day i turn it off since i don't like 
wasting electricity.  it is a fairly low power consuming
system to begin with but i hate the idea that it is doing
nothing at all useful just sitting there if i'm not going
to be using it any time soon.  since it does shut down and
start up quickly enough it isn't an issue.


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