On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 06:02:19AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> ene@coyote:~$ firefox -p

> (/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr:31477): dconf-WARNING **: Unable to 
> open /opt/trinity/share/dconf/profile/user: Permission denied

What Did You Do....

Clearly you've done *something* to cause Firefox to look in abnormal
places for things.  Maybe your best bet at this point would be to
create a whole new Linux user account, and run Firefox in that.

Do not install any add-ons, do not make any changes to the locations
of data, do not symlink things into /opt/trinity/, etc.

If that works, then you've confirmed that it's something in your
main user account that's causing Firefox to go nuts, rather than some
kind of bug in Firefox or one of its dependencies.

If that doesn't work... then... what the hell is /opt/trinity, and why
(and how) did you tell Firefox to look there?  Figure out what you did,
and undo it.

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