On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 04:09:14PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> That which I have managed to get my head wrapped around, do seem to be a 
> better idea. But thats far from all of it at the present time. For 
> starters, lets say you know you are having a dhcpd problem, so you go 
> read man dhcpd, and it has nothing to say about it if its now managed by 
> systemd. Hells bells, people, at least put a "see also man xxxxxxx" 
> pointing at the systemd managed version of its man page.

Please remember that Debian does not use systemd's network interface
bringing-up features by default.  If you've gone out of your way to do
so locally, that's on you.

For a Debian system, the path of inquiry is still the same as before --
/etc/network/interfaces and then Network Manager, for the vast majority
of systems.

Raspbian is of course a separate distribution, and you'd have to ask a
Raspbian mailing list if your issue is with something of theirs.

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