Kamil Jońca wrote:

> Personal attack detected. Have you anything interesting to say?

Not at all, because I was writing obviously to Ansgar.

> Yes, it is possible that I issue "aptitude update; aptitude
> safe-upgrade", and accept new dependecies without deeper look, but
> that's all. There were NO quuestions, to which I had to answer.
> Of course you do not need to believe me. And of course you can believe
> that were no bugs in installer/updater.

Anyway - do lessons learn next time. Relax, make cup of coffee and go
through the release notes.
If you are bothered to do so, just do a backup, but please do never complain
about a mess you did to yourself with finger pointing to others.

And believe me few years ago I was also not amused by systemd, but not for
what it, but how buggy it was. It should not have been enforced in that
state. Luckily it works better now ... well at least for the size of the
code it is working amazingly well.

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