
I have been trying to make mutt open pdf files from the
view-attachment dialog.

I am using a Debian buster (Linux beapc 4.19.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
4.19.98-1 (2020-01-26) x86_64 GNU/Linux) with Mutt 1.10.1

I was trying to make it open evince to view pdf files. It does not
seem to recognize the mime type. I tried the same steps I followed
with my Debian testing laptop (there the problem was a bit different
since it opened pdf files but with calibre).

Anyway I edited /etc/mailcap.order adding the line (it is the only line):


I ran (as root) the command "update-mime" that gave no error
messages. Now in my /etc/mailcap file the first entry is

application/pdf; evince %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

In my /etc/mime.types I have a line entry for pdf like this

application/pdf                                 pdf

If I run the command "mutt -nF /dev/null -Q mailcap_path" to see the
path it uses to find mailcap entries I get this output


I don't have a .mailcap file in my home directory. There is no other
mailcap file among those listed aside from /etc/mailcap.

Still when I have a mail with a pdf attachment and I see at the bottom
of the message in the attachment part

[-- application/pdf is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

I press v. I see the application/pdf attachment.
Then if I hit Enter I get this message

 "No matching mailcap entry found.  Viewing as text."

If I press "m" I get this error message
"mailcap entry for type application/pdf not found".

I don't understand why since I do have an application/pdf entry.

Anyone has any clues and can help me?

I did search a lot without getting to an answer (actually I did manage
to solve the problem on laptop, but not this one in buster). I might
be missing something very obvious.

Thanks in advance,


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