rhkra...@gmail.com writes:

> Aside: for my own self respect, I want to make some sort of disclaimer here 
> (with maybe several points):  I'm sure that sometimes I post things that do 
> any of (1) make other people cringe (for one reason or another), (2) make me 
> look uninformed (or worse), and (3) other causes for embarrassment (to myself 
> of others).
> I finally realized that the "normal" progression / hierarchy of the Debian 
> releases is from Unstable to Testing to Stable.
> I never looked it up -- I assume that, like most people, we don't look up 
> everything but make assumptions based on past experience.  I expected that 
> the 
> normal progression for Debian releases would be from Testing (trying all / 
> any 
> kind of new, possibly weird things), to Unstable (concentrating on things 
> that 
> survived some initial testing and now maybe being released to a select group 
> for some real pounding en route to Stable.

There is an experimental "distribution" that is for trying all kinds of
new and weird things.

> (I've never used anything other than stable releases, so my misunderstanding 
> hasn't had any real world effect on my systems, but I have been confused at 
> times, and suspect that maybe one other person out there may have similarly 
> been confused.)

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