On 2020-04-20, Steve McIntyre <st...@einval.com> wrote:
> n...@n0nb.us wrote:
>>Seems our old friend Bill Gates (remember him?) is behind much of this
>>push for a required vaccination and also, according to some sources,
>>wants everyone to be chipped, as in having a permanent RF ID microchip
>>embedded somewhere on the body.  Will there be the ability to opt out of
>>this chipping nonsense?  Stay tuned.
> This is very much off-topic for debian-user, please take it elsewhere?

I was going to opine precisely in your direction but then told myself
that Andrei had just published an OP whose assertion was that one
shouldn't respond to spam, because in doing so you screw and skew the
filtering out process vis-à-vis the archives (which OP quickly and
irrevocably and kind of dumbly devolved into a thread about "bounce")
and that the original article here was surely 100% bona fide spam (a
mere glance at the subject line being sufficient to arrive at that

Isn't it? Of course, you're not Andrei, either. 

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