I have to second the AMD cards. Their Open source drivers have improved by leaps and bounds over the last couple years. I honestly believe the open source drivers have even surpassed the closed source Nvidia ones now.

I know that in the past AMD drivers provided a worse experience because they were under developed but that simply isn't the case anymore in my opinion. And at least for me supporting a company that absolutely refuses to cooperate with open source communities (Nvidia) when there is a good alternative like AMD is hard to justify.

Steven Mainor

On 2020-04-26 05:46, tv.deb...@googlemail.com wrote:
On 25/04/2020 19:28, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
On 25.04.2020 16:20, Jiangsu Kumquat wrote:
I want to get a good fast Debian compatible card for 1080p.

I was looking at this page...

Best Graphics Cards 2020 - Top Gaming GPUs for the Money | Tom's Hardware

However, I think most or all of those cards won't work that great for
Linux because of compatibility issues.

Can you recommend a good card for me to use? I play windows games in
Debian with wine.

I tend to prefer AMD cards, but Nvidia cards are okay I guess as long
as they work well with Debian.


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I highly recommend Nvidia-based cards, if you don't mind closed-source
Many (Most?) games with Linux-native ports officially support only
Nvidia by game developers. I think, this is because of the drivers,
their quality and stability.
AMD-based card will usually work too, but (as long as I can remember)
quality of their drivers were something to be desired and drivers for
Linux are under heavy development, but they are open-source.
In case of Proton\WINE, you could get mixed results, because some games
(via DXVK) will work better with Nvidia and some are better with AMD.
"Better" here as in "less graphical glitches, more performance and
To play modern games in 1080p 60fps with high graphics settings you
would want minimum GTX1660 or better with 6Gb VRAM or more.

Hi, I have two kids and myself playing all kind of games on Steam
mainly, with protonplay (Steam customized Wine version), on regular
Wine, or standalone version (like GOG versions). All of us use AMD
cards and we could not be happier, I would not go back to dealing with
Nvidia drivers for anything. We used "Polaris10" generation cards
(like RX570 and RX580), "Vega10" generation (Vega RX 56), and
currently "Navy10" (5700XT).
With Debian Stable you might have to use backports packages for
optimal performances with the latest generation of GPU, but any
Polaris/Vega/RadeonVII should work fine. Here we run Debian Unstable
for the gaming/multimedia machines and everything just works without
the use of any proprietary drivers (aside from the firmware provided
by the non-free Debian "firmware-amd-graphics" package.

For game specific compatibility reports the "protondb" website
maintains a good database [1], but it is only valid for Steam
"Protonplay" platform. Of course there are many native games which run
great with Debian and an AMD card, if you have a few specific titles
in mind feel free to ask.

Hope it helps.

[1] https://www.protondb.com/

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