In every flavor of unix I have used since I began learning unix
in 1989, the date command would produce a string containing the
current time in 24-hour format
similar to

Tue Apr 28 20:25:11 CDT 2020

        If you run the date command in buster, you get

Tue 28 Apr 2020 08:26:24 PM CDT

        One can cause date to run in 24-hour format but you have
to run date as follows:

date +"%a %b %d %T %Z %Y"

        Some people have set their locale to British English and
now get the older-style 24-hour date format but setting the
locale is kind of an extreme way to do things.

        Is there any environment variable or local configuration
variable which will make date produce the 24-hour time stamp
similar to past implementations of date?

Martin McCormick

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