Le 05/05/2020 à 17:06, Yvan Masson a écrit :
Le 05/05/2020 à 16:48, Yvan Masson a écrit :
Le 05/05/2020 à 15:52, Yvan Masson a écrit :
Le 05/05/2020 à 12:42, Liam O'Toole a écrit :
On Mon, 04 May, 2020 at 23:02:16 +0200, Yvan Masson wrote:
Le 04/05/2020 à 22:52, Liam O'Toole a écrit :
On Mon, 04 May, 2020 at 22:29:14 +0200, Yvan Masson wrote:
Le 04/05/2020 à 22:21, Liam O'Toole a écrit :
On Mon, 04 May, 2020 at 21:22:20 +0200, Yvan Masson wrote:
Le 04/05/2020 à 17:06, Liam O'Toole a écrit :
On Mon, 04 May, 2020 at 16:28:30 +0200, Yvan Masson wrote:

That looks reasonable. Does your current icon theme inherit from hicolor?

Sorry I do not understand your question: I only have one icon, in different sizes (plus one SVG in the "scalable" subdirectory). What I understand is that Freedesktop specification says that application developpers should put
the icon in the hicolor directory: am I wrong or missing something?

To simplify the question: what does

      gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme


It says "Adwaita"

OK. Try putting your icon file in one of the Adwaita directories instead
of hicolor.

Thanks for the suggestion, but no change. It seems normal because desktop environment must fall back to hicolor theme when the icon is not found is the current theme (see "Installing Application Icons" in https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html#install_icons).

I might have a similar issue as the one discribed on https://github.com/solus-project/budgie-desktop/issues/821 but I still need to investigate.

OK, I found a solution: I renamed my python script in /usr/local/bin to "libretrombi" and it works now.

I did so many tests I forgot that I won't try to find a proper explanation. Thanks for your suggestions!

Unfortunately there must be caching somewhere in LXQT, or I missed something, because after login in to Gnome again I could not see my icon anymore. And I see now that it does not work anymore in LXQT… :-(

I will have to make some new tests… I will let you know.

I am again in a working state: my desktop file is named "libretrombi.desktop", my icons "libretrombi.png", and my executable "libretrombi". This is good, but I want to distribute my software with Flatpak, which requires the use of an "application ID" (e.g. org.domain.myapp), so I will continue experiment.

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