On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 8:42 AM Liam Powell <gfelipe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I only need Debian GNU/Linux to detect it and know which GPU is to
> passthrough it to my Windows gaming VM, to play Windows-only games.

Might I suggest a better way?  You don't generally need a fullblown VM for
gaming and you'll take a decent performance hit compared to using Proton in
Steam.  Pretty sure you can run Proton independently of running Steam.  An
API compatibility tool running natively is going to outperform emulated
hardware every time.

> So how's the support for these GPUs?

Decent these days, arguably better than Windows; certainly less hassle.
Some people find the proprietary drivers work better than the open ones,
and others the opposite and there's not really a pattern to nail down
anymore.  It'll work on the open drivers out of the box.  Going to the
proprietary drivers isn't hard, but whether or not you get any additional
functionality or positive change in performance is really only able to be
evaluated on a case by case basis these days.  The proprietary drivers
don't necessarily support features the open drivers don't anymore, and
sometimes you take a performance hit for using the proprietary driver.

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