On Sat, Jun 06, 2020 at 12:13:28AM +0200, Linux-Fan wrote:


> Hello,
> best practice is certainly using different software



>                            (Big Blue Button
> has been mentioned, Jitsi works OK for small groups, say ~10
> persons, too) [...]

FWIW, it seems to be an infrastructure question. The Munich Freifunk
folks [1] (sorry, in German) are experimenting with cascaded Jitsi
video bridges and report conferences of up to ~200. Here [2] (sorry,
javascript infested, but colorful stats) is their current stats

So it seems worth investing into that. Again a reason more to foster
strong tech groups (local Linux users, hackerspaces, what not) around


[1] https://ffmuc.net/
[2] https://stats.ffmuc.net/d/U6sKqPuZz/meet-stats?orgId=1&refresh=1m

-- t

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