On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 07:27:08AM +0200, deloptes wrote:
> Michael Stone wrote:
> > It helps create a positive community. Constantly attacking people
> > because you think they're in some way wrong does not.
> Who is giving you the right to judge others? This beeing asked politely!


> I am honestly fed of this. When I read following:

It seems that the definition of "polite" differ strongly
among people :-/

>         There is no dilemma at all: we are not paid help-desk technicians.
> I do not think or have a perseption it is unpolite. It is a true statement.
> Period.

agreed, so far.

> Now the superior moral leftists came here to judge what is polite and what

Again, your idea of polite differs from mine by a wide margin.

> not. Please give me a break. 


-- t

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