On Mi, 08 iul 20, 02:35:09, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> On 8/7/20 2:11 am, Michael Stone wrote:
> > 
> > The short answer is that there simply isn't a good reason to do this 
> > on a modern system, and there is no volunteer to donate the enormous 
> > amount of effort required to make
> > something work for which there isn't a good justification for 
> > expending that effort. There should be no flamewar, if someone wants 
> > the situation to change they simply need to be
> > the person who puts in all the work.
> Just doing dist-upgrade with a perfectly acceptable file system 
> previously is no reason why it should break.

Debian supports upgrading of most packages between releases.

It provides no guarantees about hardware, partitioning schemes, 
partition sizes, file systems, etc.

I was under the impression that LVM is used in particular for its 
flexibility in adjusting your partitions. What prevents you from merging 
'/' and '/usr'?

Kind regards,

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