On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 06:47:51AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> In some contexts it could even need fewer; for example, calc (as shipped
> in Debian) provides the built-in function 'pi()', which takes a
> precision - expressed as a value between zero and one - and returns pi
> to that level of precision.

I do not understand this description.  How many decimal places do you
get for a precision of, say, 0.5?

> The list of built-in functions in the bc man
> page is very short, and doesn't include any such thing, so unless
> something has added one without the man page getting updated anything
> that needs to use pi is going to take more typing than with calc.

True.  But it's not a *huge* amount of typing.

unicorn:~$ bc -l
bc 1.07.1
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