This is the second part of my email. 

> Note that the whitespace in your *attached* file (mixed tabs and
> saces) matched my own, whereas the file here in your post does not.
> That suggests that the 0xc2 0xa0 sequences may be a result of your
> copy/paste operation.

By "the file here in your post" do you mean the text of the email per se?

> again just reflects the additions in my /e/d/k.

Good to know that there are no problems in my files.

> … because it doesn't contain any lines with \x00A0 in them.
Ok. I understood my mistake. Now, grep $'\xc2\xa0' .XCompose doesn't return the 

> \xHH  the eight-bit character whose value is the hexadecimal value
>        HH (one or two hex digits)
>  \uHHHH the Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646) character whose value is the
>        hexadecimal value HHHH (one to four hex digits)
> So you were mixing up those two constructions, perhaps.

Yes, I am. Also, I don't understand the conversion between the two. The \x 
tells that two charcters that follow it are hexadecimals and \u tells that the 
following four hexdecimals are to be interpreted as unicode values. But, how do 
you derive \xc2\xa0 for \u00A0?

> hexdump -C filename  will reveal exactly what's
> in a file, hex to the left, and corresponding characters to the right.

hexdump -C .XCompose gives
00000000  3c 57 3e 20 3a 20 22 54  68 69 73 20 72 65 70 6c  |<W> : "This repl|
00000010  61 63 65 73 20 57 22 0a                           |aces W".|

I am attaching the .XCompose file,; so, I am not redirecting the output to a 
file and attaching.

Thanks again for all your time and effort,

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