On Sun, 26 Jul 2020 at 03:59, Semih Ozlem <semihozlemlinuxu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...] the format of the disk was changed to FAT or something like that.
> I have no idea why and how this happened. Does anyone have any clues

Hi, it's very hard to help you when you are so uncertain of the facts.

If you want to be less helpless and less clueless about your filesystems,
I suggest a good first step would be to learn the command
lsblk -f

It will show you which filesystem is in use.

> [...] the usbs refused to mount, giving wrong fs type blaah blaah error.
> This was a usb that I used and stored files to working under linux, and
> I do not remember the exact format on the disk. [...]

See above.

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