On 07/30/2020 12:56 PM, David wrote:
Good Day, I'm looking for another Linux, and decided to try yours.  The issue I have with most Linux's is that the latest version will not let me use my Logitech MX5500 kybd/mouse.  They are wireless off a USB port.  Now, when I 1st downloaded your ISO and put it on a Flash Drive all was going great.  Booted up low and behold my Logitech worked that is until I installed/restarted.  No more Logitech.  Not sure to understand why, but Fedora & older versions of different Linux kybd works fine.  Is there something
I'm missing here?

David W Terbeek

PS        Not totally blind to linux, because I was in the Computer field for decades.  Now that I'm up there - ha ha -
             not sure what to do.  Not brain dead just getting slow.

This reply is from an antique whose introduction to computers predated Dartmouth BASIC.

Your problem description made me think of "non free" drivers.
*HOWEVER* a DuckDuckGo search came up with many 10 year old reports.
But searches including Debian Stretch or Buster were empty.

After decades of 'Customer Support' [admittedly in different field],
I suspect more detailed information on your platform and an
*MINUTELY exact* specification of your system *AND* keyboard/mouse will be required.


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