I've got a very odd wireless keyboard. It look like TV remote, but is an actual keyboard inside. Some buttons work perfectly (VolumeUp, VolumeDown), some are not.

I've dug into this topic, and found that there is a set of buttons which does not produce both scancodes and input events (scancodes in console ignores them, evtest ignores them).

As the last effort I used usmon kernel module and Wireshark, and I found that 'silent' keys are actually cause the same number of USB events as working ones.

The problem is that I have no idea how to read wireshark/usb output. I've started from 'working keys' and I can't understand a thing. What is URB? How to read dump if I can't find a 'button code' (for working keys) in the dump?

Can someone help me with 101 on usb keyboards? Some kind of high-level overview with terminology, etc...

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