Thanks Reco,

I don't know how you keep up after all these years seen you here on the
debian list.



On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 at 11:36, Reco <> wrote:

>         Hi.
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 11:19:39AM -0300, Beco wrote:
> > Is this pam module deprecated?
> Yes, it was removed from main archive back in 2018 - [1].
> > I can't find the package that provides it on
> > debian buster.
> There's no package in buster that provides the PAM module or ConsoleKit
> itself, see above.
> > What is the correct secure approach? Should I just remove the optional
> > session line from PAM config?
> Strictly speaking, deinstallation of "libpam-ck-connector" (I'm assuming
> it was installed on this system at some point) should have done that.
> But no package is bug-free, and ConsoleKit was not the best package in
> this regard.
> So, removing offending lines from the PAM configuration is the best
> course of action.
> Reco
> [1]

Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

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