Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2020, 17:01:29 CEST schrieb Joe:
Hi Joe,

yes I know, this is normal for unstable. I am using debian/testing, which is 
close to unstable. 

The point of my message was not the deinstallation of packages at all, but the 
deinstallation of packages which are still usefull for people without a 
substitute or a substitude with the same ease as the uninstalled package.

Think of people, they do an upgrade after 2 years (or earlier) and their 
applications are gone. Might be ok for experienced people (who are experienced 
in the console), but this is not ok for people, who NEED graphical, easy to 
use tools.

There are more than you expect.

No offence. :)

Best regards



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