On 9/25/20, Jonathan Dowland <jon+debian-u...@dow.land> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 05:58:49PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
>>I can't believe the answer is as simple as visiting
>>and downloading the packages you want (in binary mode).
> Plus (possibly several) iterations of downloading the dependencies,
> and their dependencies, etc., cross-referencing against your installed
> package list (if you have it) to trim down the list.

 OK, you are talking right there about what I need:

 Is there such a thing as a java program (which could be used also on
WIndows or a mac) which you could tell which Debian package you need
and your Debian Release and it would download all pacakges you need
and even tell you the sequence in which  you have to install htem?

> --
> Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.
> 👱🏻    Jonathan Dowland
> ✎      j...@debian.org
> 🔗     https://jmtd.net

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