Am Tue, 08 Sep 2020 17:41:55 +0100
schrieb Tixy <>:

> #------------------------------------------------
> ~$ cat Desktop/test.desktop 
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Version=1.0
> Type=Application
> Terminal=true
> Exec=/home/tixy/ %F
> Name=Test launcher
> Icon=/home/tixy/test.svg
> #------------------------------------------------

Thanks so much Tixy.

To my shame I have to admit that I was missing the %F (or %U) in my
desktop starter file.

Now with '%F' I can drag and drop, the programm accepts the argument,
but only one. When I give two arguments (select two files from the
desktop, drag and drop them on the starter), xfce will spawn two
instances, even though I used capital '%F'.

I've asked a question in the xfce forums about this:

> This is what I did to test, including some code to distinguish audio
> files from extension. (The 'file' command would probably be best for
> testing file type properly, never used this though.)

Thanks for your audio/video code, but I *really* want a gui that will
handle stuff in a more generic way. Your example inpired me to "auto
sort" the arguments if there are multiple that need to be in exact order.
That would be a super feature for the really lazy "grab all - drop all"
users ;-)

Actually I've got the basic idea implemented already (using Python/QT).
The GUI lets me select the task from a list (by files in a configuration
directory) and load the "command template" from that file. The program
will then substitue the placeholders with my drag and drop arguments.

For now I can combine/split video files and also upload files to a server
using scp and interactivly ask for a password (spawned a terminal running
bash). And of course I have a "hello argument" test ;-)

There are plenty of ideas how to improve the program. The source code is
still quite dirty (it's more a proof of concept at the moment). But I
might decided to release it in case some of my friends find it useful ;-)

Best regards,

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