Susmita/Rajib wrote: 
> ---------- Received message ----------
> > ...         ...     The particular solutions you are proposing are not
> > going to work. You are reasoning by analogy, which is good for
> > solving many human problems,        ...             ...             ...     
> But Sir, I have a living example in openwrt and routers based on it.
> Also dispatch-proxy as a crude first step. And they work for multiple
> ISPs and VPN. If they could do it, then why not GNU/Linux including
> Debian? We could have software routing devices using our computers
> instead of those exotic routers.

Openwrt is Linux.

The thing that you are asking for: Openwrt does not do it.

To the extent that Openwrt does it; Debian does it just as well.
Which is to say, badly.

> In fact Sir, I have no problem with any particular ISP, but I have
> multiple number of them, including Optical Fibre to the Home, ADSL
> through copper cable and mobile networks, and want to use them
> simultaneously. It was a brainwave that I had because of the existent
> serverless distributed downloading like Bittorrent and p2p file
> transfer mechanisms.
> If it could be done with p2p and bittorrent, then why not with server
> based systems and multiple ISPs? This was my line of reasoning.

That's not what you asked at the beginning.

You asked if it was possible to gang together several wireless
networks from disparate ISPs in order to get one super-fast
connection. That is not possible, for the reasons we have now
gone into in depth.

If what you want is multiple ISP connections operating
simultaneously, with different sessions using different
connections, so that no individual session will use more than
one ISP but the aggregate bandwidth is used, that is relatively

So, to improve the quality of discussion in future:

always describe your actual problem, not a contrived example.


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