On 10/16/20 6:21 PM, Mick Ab wrote:
> Iceweasel has been running okay on a Debian Jessie desktop for a long time.
> Lately, it keeps hanging. It was noticed that the following message
> appeared in an xterm window :
> ###!!![Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error:
> PLayerTransaction::Msg_ReleaseLayer Processing error: message was
> deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure).
> What does the above message mean ?
> Is it related to Iceweasel hanging ?
> There is no problem with the internet connection since another browser
> works okay.

Hi Mick,

it's difficult for me to say what the problem is with this limited

Debian Jessie is not supported even as LTS anymore. If I was you then I
would try to use FireFox binaries provided by mozilla.org.


Kind regards

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