On Sat, 24 Oct 2020 16:04:00 -0700
Patrick Bartek <nemomm...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Looking for recommendations for a lightweight email client that will
>handle HTML as well as plain text to replace Claws-Mail.  Have been
>using Claws-Mail for years and before it Sylpheed.  Claws used to have
>a basic HTML plugin renderer which was sufficient, but latest version
>does not.

I didn't even know it was gone, but apparently 3.17.7 just
(re)introduced a light viewer duly taking care of people who need it.
LiteHTML. It's packaged as claws-mail-litehtml-viewer, can't say if
it's any good, there are other options though. Even something
based on Dillo! ;) Not bad for a project with a different set of
priorities. Don't like a plugin? Feeling more like using behemoth
Firefox ('hate accessing mail through a browser'):

Config -> Preferences -> Message View -> External Programs

Not really a new feature either nor scratching CM's surface, but you
surely knew that too. I'm a CLI/TUI/oldskool devotee myself yet Mutt is
one of those things I never got around learning. Takes some time. Only
to fire up FF whenever you want to see a picture. Well I guess people
are different and some always have a browser flinging around anyway. See
what works for you.


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