On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 19:26:59 -0600
David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:

> On Wed 18 Nov 2020 at 21:41:30 (+0000), Joe wrote:
> > It began with booting this morning. No wallpaper. No network shares
> > mounted (they are set to automount using systemd, but if I tried
> > accessing most of them, the error message contained the path of the
> > mount point followed by 'no such device'.
> > 
> > The mount points looked OK in a GUI file manager and also with mc.
> > Doing an ls-l of the parent directory showed a few mount points as
> > normal, the others showed the name and the 'd' of the permissions
> > string, but everything else was '?' marks.
> > 
> > Eventually tried umounting the affected points, and all was well
> > after that.
> > 
> > The same thing happened at the next boot of the day, it wasn't an
> > ephemeral glitch, though the mount points affected weren't exactly
> > the same ones.
> > 
> > I assume one of the upgrades to sid last night was responsible for
> > this, other computers have no problem seeing the same shares. Anyone
> > else seeing it, Google doesn't seem to find anything?  
> I don't know if it helps to know that you need x permission to see any
> more in a directory than, eg:
> total 0
> d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? DCIM
> d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? MISC
> -????????? ? ? ? ?            ? README
Thanks, no, I didn't know that, never encountered it before.

That simplifies things a bit: so some of these mounts are being
deliberately made by root during boot. They are all automount, so
should never mount until a file is called for, and they are all data so
there is no possible reason for them to be needed during boot. Finally,
it worked for years until yesterday morning. Same again today, so last
night's upgrades didn't fix it.

No other replies, so I assume this is another of My Personal Bugs. I've
reported a few bugs over the years that have turned out to be visible
only to me. I don't suppose there are any two identical installations
of sid anywhere in the world.

Maybe this is a hint that it's time to reinstall, this installation is
probably at least ten years old, and there have been about nine
packages that can't be upgraded for a couple of months now. But that's
going to be the best part of a day that I can't really spare...


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