On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 07:51:09AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 01:20:39PM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> >     I just cd'd to that directory and it looks like there's
> > about 1 GB there.
> unicorn:~$ du -sh /usr/share/zoneinfo
> 3.5M  /usr/share/zoneinfo
> unicorn:~$ find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | wc -l
> 780
> Either something's wrong on your system -- in which case you should try
> to figure out what it is -- or something's wrong with your interpretation
> of what you're seeing.
> (And yes, I know find | wc -l isn't an accurate way to count files if
> their names are unrestricted.  Here I'm assuming there aren't a huge
> number of filenames in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ with newlines.)

    Since I'm the one that started this discussion, I'd like to say
"Thank You" to all that offered their insight.
    I guess I'm just a little old fashioned. My first computer had
no storage and my first hard drive was 20M so having a directory
taking up 3.5MB when all I'm using there is less than 10KB just
doesn't sit well with me.
    In over 20 years running Linux I've never found a use for that
extra 3.5MB data and I wonder how many do. I'm curious Greg, how often
have you used that data?
    Locale is another area where there is a lot of data that the
average user, I suspect, has no use for and localepurge in Debian, at
least, is hamstrung by the packagers, hooking it to dpkg and
disableing it for any other use. Running localepurge on the CL is a
noop but doesn't tell you so, look at the code.
    Sorry I didn't mean to rant.
Thanks again for the input.
Be well,
"At birth, men are by nature of good heart."
    - _Young_Fu_    Elizabeth F. Lewis

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