On Mi, 09 dec 20, 12:08:11, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> > 
> > drivers can be:
> > 
> >  - kernel space only - Network Interface Card (NIC) for example, USB,
> > SATA controllers, etc.
> They come in the form of *.ko files under /lib/modules/`uname 
> -r`/kernel/drivers/,
> correct?

Yes, unless they are already built-in. The Linux kernel allows both 
methods for most of the drivers.

Debian (and most distro) kernels are typically compiled with most 
drivers as modules, because then you can have one kernel working with 
lots of hardware.
> Are there .deb packages (other than linux-image-*.deb itself ) which
> install kernel drivers?

The -dkms packages are for drivers that can't be included in upstream 
Linux and must be compiled on the user's system (typically due to 
incompatible licenses, like the ZFS modules (free, but incompatible 
license) and Nvidia (non-free).

Kind regards,

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