On 26-12-2020 06:53, Curt wrote:
> On 2020-12-25, Bob Bernstein <poo...@ruptured-duck.com> wrote:
>> This question could not possibly be more OT, but banking on the
>> yuletide spirit and the generally benign mood of most on this
>> list, I make so bold as to pose it thus, bluntly.
>> I have prowled in 'man nanorc' for some time now...
>>From what I've gathered the cursor is drawn by the terminal or terminal
> emulator and not by the application running in the terminal.

If the terminal you're using doesn't supply you with that facility, it
might be time to look at an alternative.
There are many to choose from.


`We'll know our disinformation program is complete when
 everything the American public believes is false'.
 -- William Casey, CIA Director (first staff meeting, 1981)

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