
I've been using Debian 10 for almost a year on my old computer (bought it on 
december 2019), but it is doing weird things when using CHROME principally when 
I am in Facebook (but not only)...

Since a few weeks ago, it is very common to receive Facebook alerts when 
changing from one page to another, asking if I will not "finish the comment" 
but I AM NOT WRITTING A COMMENT. 5, 10, 20 times a day...

Frequently, 3 or 4 times a day, the mouse buttons stop responding like if 
"something" takes the control of it, ONLY WHEN USING CHROME... I jump to a 
console by pressing CTRL-ALT-F# and go back to KDE, then the mouse works 
again... it happens since a couple months ago... AND I HAVE CHANGED (NEW) MOUSE 

Other times, ALSO WHEN USING CHROME, the filesystem is parsed or scanned 
entirely slowing down or hanging KDE (processor and disk work at 100%) until it 
finishes or I kill the CHROME process... It has happened all the year. (Notice 
that I bought a new computer and it does not scan the disk or filesystem, 
Debian 10 installed also).

Another times (but not all the time, it is not frequent, once or twice a week) 
the WIFI connection is lost and reconnected, once and again in an intermittent 
way... After 10, 20 or 30 minutes it works normally again... (hijacking or 

And the top cherry on the cake (sarcasm)... Some days ago, I entered 
www.google.com<http://www.google.com> and it showed up an alert asking if it 
was me because there was "unusual activity" on my user account and a checkbox 
to probe I am human...

I have reinstalled (restored a new fresh installation backed up with 
clonezilla) Debian 10, the first days works perfect and after some days or 
weeks it begins to behave weird again...

What can it be? What can I do? Would you recommend to perform a new REAL AND 
FULL INSTALLATION (not restore of backed up brand new installation) with latest 
Debian 10? And for security, how can I close all ports or services to the 
outside of my home network (at least in my Linux boxes)?

I don't want to provide ideas or theories that may create prejudices, so only I 
hear you...


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