
thanks for all the help so far. For all the people asking why, a few reasons. First I love to tinker with and learn about things and the only raid controller I have access to is on my production server and I don't really get to "play" with it much since it is in use 24/7. I am one of those people that learns by doing I guess.

The idea was to create a large striped raid array(perhaps RAID6) of spinning disks to use as a large storage area for extra VM backups and large projects I'm working on. And in the process I could learn more about RAID controllers.

But perhaps this would be an opportunity to learn about ZFS or something instead. Would ZFS be suitable if I were to boot multiple Linux operating systems from time to time? For example, If I have the drives setup with ZFS How hard would it be to boot to another Linux operating system (like from Debain or Ubuntu from a pen-drive) and access data on the "array".

And FYI most of the time I would still boot my computer from the single SSD that my OS is installed on.

Steven Mainor

On 2021-01-01 13:06, Steven Mainor wrote:
I'm looking for recommendations for a 6 or 8 port SATA hardware raid
controller that will hopefully be supported by the kernel and/or open
source drivers to put in my desktop computer. Any input welcome,

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