On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 04:38:06PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Tue 16 Feb 2021 at 17:48:25 (+0800), Kevin Shell wrote:
> > Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?
> AIUI all the targets of /etc/alternatives are all installed at the
> same time, and can be simultaneously run without conflicting with
> each other. The links merely select which target is run (and
> documented) by invoking a name, like "www-browser" (→ lynx for me),
> "awk" (gawk) or "rename" (the Perl one). I might be running firefox,
> mawk and rename.ul (by their specific name) at the same time as the
> "default" versions.

I asked this question because on my laptop there's an alternatives system
that can keep several programs providing the same or similar functions
at the same time.
Debian also has an alternatives system but doesn't allowed to install
multiple MTAs. 

$ dnf info alternatives
Name         : alternatives
Summary      : A tool to maintain symbolic links determining default commands
URL          : https://github.com/fedora-sysv/chkconfig
License      : GPLv2
Description  : alternatives creates, removes, maintains and displays 
information about
             : the symbolic links comprising the alternatives system. It is 
             : for several programs fulfilling the same or similar functions to 
             : installed on a single system at the same time.


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