> Here's one source of breakage I encountered a few times because of this
> /usr merge (which I generally welcome, BTW):
>     dpkg -S =foo
> this (using the Zsh shell) should give me the name of the Debian package
> which provides the command `foo`.  It works well for most commands, but
> it fails for `ifconfig` because `ifconfig` was actually installed in
> /sbin/ifconfig (but the /usr merge makes this same /sbin directory
> available under the name /usr/sbin so Zsh thinks that `ifconfig` comes
> from `/usr/sbin/ifconfig` whereas `dpkg` doesn't have any record of
> installing a `/usr/sbin/ifconfig` file).

Yes, before every possible bug derived from that change is corrected,
you could use some sort path translation program
that takes paths from the caller program and translates it
to some path the called program can understand.
Just thinking.

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