> I'd say it is a Linode problem, unless you run custom kernel modules.
> It looks like a "memory" corruption to me and since it is virtualized system,
> you should check if host system is ok.
> Memory in quotes because this issue could be also related to a storage
> sub-system (local or network attached) of the host or VM.

I'm definitely not running a custom kernel.

They live migrated this linode to a new physical machine and still
getting these errors so I don't think it's a h/w issue.  It seems to
be a qemu issue to me but I am not very familiar with qemu.

The fact that they live migrated it does seem to imply it's all part
of the same virtualization system, probably same qemu, which would
make sense that it didn't fix the error.

I'd like to know if anyone else is seeing this who is using linode and
has recently been migrated to their new metal.

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