Greg Wooledge <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 08:55:47AM +0800, Robbi Nespu wrote:

>> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/sda1       110G   62G   43G  60% /
>> What actually the best way for boot directory? put on same root directory
>> like I have right now or it better to have it own partition?

> The only time you *need* to make it a separate partition is when
> you're doing certain flavors of disk encryption.  Under those setups,
> you need an unencrypted /boot so you can boot and mount your encrypted
> root file system.

Not even when doing FDE. GRUB2 is able to decipher LUKSv1 volumes.

But, given that LUKSv1 has been superceded by the newer v2 format, I
would still create a separate /boot, so only it needs to be encrypted
using the potential weaker LUKSv1 format while the rest of the system
can be on a LUKv2 volume.


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